海南省人力资源和社会保障厅 海南省公安厅关于印发《海南省事业单位公开招聘工作人员实施办法》的通知(Notice of Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Hainan Province and Hainan Provincial Public Security Department on Issuing the Measures for the Implementation of Open Recruitment of Staff by Public Institutions in Hainan Province)


海南省人力资源和社会保障厅  海南省公安厅
Notice of Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Hainan Province and Hainan Provincial Public Security Department on Issuing the Measures for the Implementation of Open Recruitment of Staff by Public Institutions in Hainan Province


Human Resources and Social Security Bureaus and Public Security Bureaus of Cities, Counties and Autonomous Counties, and departments concerned directly under the province,


In order to further deepen the reform of personnel system in public institutions and establish an open recruitment system for public institutions compatible with the Hainan Pilot Free Trade Zone and the Free Trade Port with Chinese characteristics, we have formulated the Measures for the Implementation of Open Recruitment of Staff by Public Institutions in Hainan Province in accordance with the Regulation on the Personnel Management of Public Institutions and other regulations, in addition to the actual conditions of our province. These Measures are hereby issued for you to carry out earnestly.

海南省人力资源和社会保障厅 海南省公安厅

Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Hainan Province and Hainan Provincial Public Security Department


December 25, 2018


(This document is actively disclosed)

Measures for the Implementation of Open Recruitment of Staff by Public Institutions in Hainan Province

第一章  总 则
Chapter 1  General Provisions

第一条  为进一步深化事业单位人事制度改革,建立与海南自由贸易试验区、中国特色自由贸易港相适应的事业单位公开招聘制度,根据《事业单位人事管理条例》、《事业单位公开招聘人员暂行规定》等精神,结合我省实际,制定本办法。

Article 1  In order to further deepen the reform of personnel system in public institutions and establish an open recruitment system for public institutions compatible with the Hainan Pilot Free Trade Zone and the Free Trade Port with Chinese characteristics, we have formulated the Measures for the Implementation of Open Recruitment of Staff by Public Institutions in Hainan Province(hereinafter referred to as these "Measures") in accordance with the Regulation on the Personnel Management of Public Institutions and the Interim Provisions on Open Recruitment of Personnel by Public Institutions, in addition to the actual conditions of our province.

第二条  经机构编制部门批准设立的事业单位(参照公务员法管理的事业单位除外)招聘工作人员适用本办法。

Article 2  These Measures apply to the recruitment of staff by public institutions established with the approval of the establishment department (except public institutions managed with reference to the Law on Civil Servants).


The public institutions shall make open recruitment of leaders in accordance with the national and our provincial provisions.

第三条 事业单位新进人员,除国家政策性安置、按照干部人事管理权限由上级任命、涉密岗位等确需使用其他方法选拔任用工作人员以外,一律实行公开招聘。

Article 3 Public institutions shall recruit new personnel through open recruitment, except for the policy-based placement by the state, the appointment by superiors in accordance with the personnel management authority of cadres, and the selection and appointment of staff otherwise for secret-related positions.

第四条  公开招聘应当坚持德才兼备的用人标准,贯彻公开、平等、竞争、择优原则,坚持宏观管理与落实事业单位用人自主权相结合,统一规范、分类指导、分级管理。

Article 4 Open recruitment shall adhere to the standards of equal stress on integrity and ability, implement the principles of openness, equality, competition and merit-based selection, and stick to the combination of macro-management and implementation of the right to choose and employ employees in public institutions, for the purpose of unified regulation, targeted guidance and hierarchical management.

第五条  除公开招聘急需紧缺高层次人才以外,公开招聘应当在编制和经核准的岗位总数内进行。

Article 5 Open recruitment shall be carried out within the total number of positions established and approved, except for high-level talents in urgent need.

第六条  事业单位人事综合管理部门是事业单位公开招聘工作的主管机关,负责事业单位公开招聘的综合管理工作。事业单位主管部门在同级事业单位人事综合管理部门指导下,负责本部门所属事业单位招聘的管理、监督、协调和服务工作。

Article 6 The general personnel management departments of public institutions are the competent authority for open recruitment, in charge of the general management of open recruitment in public institutions. The competent departments of public institutions shall be responsible for the administration, supervision, coordination and service of recruitment in those subordinate ones, under the guidance of the general personnel management departments of public institutions at the same level.

第七条  公开招聘可由招聘单位、招聘单位主管部门或事业单位人事综合管理部门组织实施。招聘单位(部门)对依照本办法实施公开招聘负有主体责任。

Article 7 Open recruitment may be organized and implemented by the recruiting units, the competent departments of the recruiting units or the general personnel management departments of public institutions. The recruiting units (departments) shall assume the primary responsibility for open recruitment in accordance with these Measures.

第八条  招聘单位(部门)应成立由本单位(部门)领导、组织人事、纪检、职工代表及有关专家组成的公开招聘工作组织,具体负责招聘工作的组织实施。

Article 8 The recruiting units (departments) shall set up an open recruitment organization made up of their leaders, organization and personnel, discipline inspection, employee representatives and experts to be specifically responsible for the organization and implementation of recruitment.

第二章  招聘范围、条件及程序
Chapter 2  Recruitment Scope, Conditions and Procedures

第九条  事业单位公开招聘工作人员应当面向社会公开进行,凡符合条件的人员均可报名应聘。

Article 9  The open recruitment of staff by public institutions shall be open to the public, and all those qualified may apply for the position.

第十条  应聘人员必须具备下列基本条件:

Article 10  Candidates must meet the following basic requirements:


(1)To have the nationality of the People's Republic of China;


(2)To abide by the Constitution and laws;


(3)To have good conduct and professional ethics;


(4)To have the educational background, professional or technical qualifications required for the position;


(5)To be of a physical condition suitable for the position;


(6)To meet other conditions required by the position.


Candidates for professional and technical posts and managerial posts should generally have a college degree or above; those applying for the workers and handymen should generally hold a technical secondary school, polytechnic school or high school diploma.


Where otherwise provided for the qualifications of candidates, such laws, regulations and rules shall prevail.

第十一条  公开招聘不得设置歧视性、指向性的岗位条件。

Article 11  No discriminatory or directed job conditions shall be set in the open recruitment.

第十二条  有下列情形之一的人员不得报名应聘:

Article 12  In case of any of the following circumstances, candidates are not allowed to apply for the position:


(1)Those not removed from party and/or government discipline or under disciplinary review;


(2)No expiry of the time limit for criminal punishment or being investigated on suspicion of illegal activities;


(3)Disciplinary and delinquent violations in the recruitment of civil servants or the open recruitment of public institutions and no expiry of the penalty term;


(4)Civil servants or staff members of public institutions on probation or not served the minimum length of service;


(5)Dishonest persons subject to enforcement;


(6)Other circumstances not to be applied for as stipulated by laws and regulations.

 第十三条  公开招聘应当按照下列程序进行:

Article 13  The open recruitment shall be in accordance with the following procedures:


(1) Make an open recruitment program;


(2) Approve the open recruitment program;


(3) Announce the job posting;


(4) Organize registration and review the qualifications of candidates;


(5) Carry out examination and assessment;


(6) Do physical examination and investigation;


(7) Identify the personnel to be employed;


(8)Keep the public informed of the personnel to be employed;


(9)The recruitment results to be approved by the general personnel management departments of public institutions at the same level; and


(10) Sign the employment contracts and go through the employment formalities.

第三章  招聘方案
Chapter 3  Recruitment Program

第十四条  公开招聘方案由招聘单位(部门)根据工作需要和编制、岗位空缺情况制定。主要内容包括:

Article 14  The open recruitment program shall be formulated by the recruiting unit (department) according to their job demands, staffing and position vacancies, mainly including:


(1) Basic information of the recruiting unit;


(2) Composition of the recruitment organization;


(3) Recruiting object, recruitment scope, qualifications, and recruiting numbers;


(4)Registration method, time, place, and materials to be provided;


(5)Time and requirements for qualification examination;


(6) Examination organization, contents, and method for score calculation;


(7)Recruitment information release methods and channels;


(8)Physical examination and investigation;


(9) Recruitment discipline and hotline for consultation, supervision, and public report;


(10)Treatment of those to be employed; and


(11)Other information to be explained.

第十五条  省直属事业单位的公开招聘方案由省事业单位人事综合管理部门备案;省部门所属事业单位的公开招聘方案应当经主管部门核准后,报省事业单位人事综合管理部门备案;省级垂直管理部门系统所属事业单位的招聘方案,由其省级主管部门统一制定,报省事业单位人事综合管理部门备案。市县事业单位的招聘方案,须经市县事业单位人事综合管理部门核准备案后方可组织实施。

Article 15  The open recruitment program of public institutions directly under the province shall be put on record by the general personnel management departments of provincial public institutions; the open recruitment programs of public institutions subordinate to the provincial departments shall be approved by the competent departments and submitted to the general personnel management departments of provincial public institutions for the record. The recruitment programs of public institutions under the system of provincial vertical management departments shall be formulated uniformly by their provincial competent departments and submitted to the general personnel management departments of provincial public institutions for the record. The recruitment programs of public institutions in cities and counties must be approved and put on record by their general personnel management departments before implementation.

第十六条  专业设置须与招聘岗位相匹配。原则上应从宽确定专业要求,同一岗位可设置一个或多个相近的适合岗位要求的专业,也可按专业大类设置专业条件。对没有专业要求的招聘岗位,可设置为不限专业。

Article 16  The discipline setup must match the job recruitment. In principle, the discipline requirements should be determined leniently, the same post can set one or more similar disciplines to suit the job requirements, and qualifications can also be set according to discipline categories. Those positions without discipline requirements can be open to any discipline.


The discipline name should be accurate and standard. Please refer to the informative directory of disciplines for the examination and recruitment of civil servants in our province, or the directory of disciplines issued by the education departments, but the informative directory of disciplines should be specified in the Job Posting.

第四章  招聘公告与资格审查
Chapter 4  Job Posting and Qualification Examination

第十七条  招聘单位(部门)应当根据核准备案的招聘方案制订招聘公告,并在同级事业单位人事综合管理部门、主管部门和招聘单位的门户网站上同时发布,招聘公告发布期不得少于7天。

Article 17  The recruiting units (departments) shall make job posting according to the recruitment program approved and put on record, and publish them simultaneously on the web portal of the general personnel management departments, the competent departments of public institutions at the same level and the recruiting units. The job posting period shall not be less than 7 days.

第十八条  公开招聘公告应包括以下内容:

Article 18  The job posting should include the following:


(1) Brief introduction of the recruiting unit;


(2) The position, discipline, number and treatment of personnel to be recruited;


(3) Recruiting object, scope and qualifications of candidates;


(4) Registration time and place and materials to be submitted;


(5) Test method, time and place and method of score calculation;


(6)Physical examination, investigation, publicity, application for employment and other situations to be explained.

第十九条  招聘公告一经发布,应当严格执行,不得擅自更改。确需更改的,需提出更改理由,报同级事业单位人事综合管理部门同意后发布补充公告。

Article 19   Once issued, the job posting shall be strictly implemented, but not changed without permission. If the change is really necessary, it is required to give reasons for change and issue a supplementary announcement after being approved by the general personnel management departments of public institutions at the same level.

第二十条  报名可采取网上报名与现场报名相结合的方式进行,报名时间不得少于7天。

Article 20  Both online and on-site registration are available, and the registration time shall not be less than 7 days.

第二十一条 应聘时已与工作单位建立人事(劳动)关系的人员应征得原所在单位同意方可报考,必要时应征得单位主管部门同意。应聘人员报名时应提供招聘公告所要求的相关材料。尚未毕业的应届毕业生报名时应提供毕业院校开具的相关证明。

Article 21  Those already established personnel (labor) relations with the employers should obtain the consent of their employers before registration, and if necessary, seek the approval by the competent departments of their employers. In registration, candidates should provide the materials required by the job posting. Fresh graduates not yet graduated should provide the certificates issued by their universities or colleges.

第二十二条 招聘单位(部门)应于报名时间截止后10天内完成对应聘人员资格条件的初审,并于面试前对应聘人员的资格条件进行复审,审核结果应当及时公告。

Article 22  The recruiting units (departments) shall complete the pre-qualification of candidates within 10 days after the deadline for registration, and review their qualifications before the interview, and the review results should be announced in time.


The qualification examination runs through the whole process of the open recruitment. Those who violate the recruitment regulations, such as falsification or ineligible for registration, shall be disqualified once found.

第二十三条 招聘单位(部门)可通过发放准考证、网上公布等形式,提前向应聘人员告知考试时间、地点、注意事项等相关内容。

Article 23  The recruiting units (departments) can inform candidates of the test time, place, matters for attention and other relevant contents by issuing admission tickets and publishing online announcement.

第五章  考试、考核
Chapter 5  Examination and Assessment

第二十四条  公开招聘考试一般分为笔试和面试。

Article 24  The open recruitment examination generally includes written test and interviews.


The written test shall be a closed-book exam. The written test for professional and technical posts and managerial positions is mainly based on the professional theory knowledge required by actual posts, plus the content of public basic subjects; the written test for the ground skilled staff is mainly based upon the operational theory knowledge required by the actual posts.


The interview may be structured interview, expertise test, leaderless group discussion, on-site defense, scenario simulation, and actual operation etc. It is mainly designed to evaluate the comprehensive quality and practical operation ability of the candidates to meet the actual post requirements.

第二十五条  按岗位的招聘人数与应聘该岗位且经初审符合报考条件人数的比例原则上不低于1:3方可组织笔试,未达到1:3比例的,应当相应核减该岗位招聘人数直至取消该岗位的招聘。

Article 25  The written test can be organized only when the ratio between the recruiting number and the number of candidates eligible for the entry qualifications is not less than 1:3 in principle; if less than 1:3, the recruiting number of the post shall be cut or even cancelled.


The ratio of written test takers to public institutions in villages and towns can be reduced to 1:2; approved by the general personnel management departments of public institutions at the same level, the ratio of written test takers may be appropriately reduced or even not set for the posts in the special industry, disciplines in short supply or with high level requirements and hard to compete; the assessment recruitment, open recruitment on campus may not set the ratio of written test takers.

第二十六条  笔试、面试的组织实施程序、方法以及考官的组成等按照我省相关规定执行。

Article 26  The organizational implementation procedures and methods of written test and interview as well as the structure of examiners shall be executed in accordance with the regulations of our province.

第二十七条  笔试、面试成绩为百分制,应划定合格分数线。笔试合格分数线不得低于参加笔试人员的笔试平均分。面试合格分数线不得低于60分。笔试成绩和合格分数线公示时间不得少于3天。

Article 27  The scores of written test and interview shall be hundred-mark system, and the qualifying score should be defined. The qualifying score of written test should not be lower than the average score of the written test takers. The qualifying score of interview should not be less than 60 points. The publicity period of the written test results and the qualifying scores shall not be less than 3 days.

第二十八条  面试资格复审人选从笔试合格分数线以上的人员中,根据笔试成绩按比例由高分到低分确定。岗位的招聘人数在10人以上的,比例为1∶2;9人以下的,比例为1∶3。末位出现并列的,一并进入面试资格复审。达不到规定比例的,按实际达到笔试合格分数线的应聘人员确定。因应聘人员自愿放弃或资格复审不合格等原因产生的空缺,应按照笔试成绩从高分到低分依次递补,递补名单应于面试前3天向社会公布。

Article 28  Interview candidates for qualification review shall be selected from those with higher scores than the qualifying score of written test, from high to low. If more than 10 employees are to be recruited, the number of candidates for interview should be identified at a ratio of 1:2; in case of 9 or fewer employees, the number of candidates for interview should be identified at a ratio of 1:3. If any, the tie at the last place will be reviewed for interview qualification. In case of failure to reach the prescribed proportion, candidates at or above the qualifying score of the written test should be interviewed for qualification review. Vacancies arising from voluntary discontinuation or disqualification shall be replaced according to the written test scores from high to low, and the replacement list shall be announced 3 days before the interview.


The recruitment units (departments) shall promptly announce the candidates who have passed the qualification review for interview. The results of the interview shall be announced on the spot.

第二十九条  考试总成绩为百分制,由笔试成绩、面试成绩一般按照6:4的比例确定。考试总成绩出现并列的,按笔试成绩确定排名顺序。应聘人员的各项考试成绩应在整个面试结束后及时公布。

Article 29  The final score is a hundred-mark system, based upon the scores of the written test and the interview (generally at a ratio of 6:4). If the final score is tied, the ranking order shall be determined according to the score of written test. The test scores of candidates should be announced after the interview.


The written test and interview are encouraged to be video and audio recorded for future reference. The video and audio recordings should be kept for not less than 12 months.

第三十条  招聘单位(部门)可委托政府人力资源社会保障部门所属考试服务机构、人才服务机构、职业技能鉴定部门以及有资质的经营性人力资源服务机构提供考试服务。委托有资质的经营性人力资源服务机构提供考试服务的,考试命题与考务组织实施不能委托同一家人力资源服务机构。

Article 30  The recruiting units (departments) may entrust the examination services, talent service agencies, vocational skills appraisal departments and qualified profit-making human resource services under the human resources and social security departments of our government to provide the examination service. Where qualified profit-making human resource services are entrusted to provide the examination service, the examination proposition and the organization and implementation of exam affairs must not be relied on the same human resource service.

第三十一条  考核招聘是公开招聘的一种特殊形式,由招聘单位(部门)按照国家及我省有关规定,直接对应聘者的思想政治表现、道德品质、业务能力、工作业绩等方面进行全面考核。下列情形可实行考核招聘:

Article 31  Assessment recruitment is a special form of open recruitment, where the recruiting units (departments) may make comprehensive assessment to the candidates directly from the ideological and political behaviors, moral character, business capability, work performance and other aspects in accordance with the national and our provincial provisions. The assessment recruitment may be carried out under the following:


(1)Talents with doctoral degrees or senior professional and technical qualifications;


(2)Talents with master's degree or above or intermediate or above professional and technical qualifications recruited by the public institutions in cities and counties (excluding Haikou and Sanya) and provincial counties (excluding Haikou and Sanya);


(3)Those with vocational qualifications of technician or senior technician and engaged in the same type of work as the job recruitment for more than 5 consecutive years;


(4)The personnel for special posts recruited by public institutions in qualified remote counties and townships, ethnic minorities and impoverished cities and counties, as well as in towns and townships;


(5)The urgently needed professionals to be hired in the professional and technical posts;


(6)Spouses of high-level talents qualified for the position;


(7)Those who have completed and passed the examination of the "Three Supports and One Assistance", "College-Graduate Village Official" and "College Student Volunteer Service Program for Central and Western China" and have undertaken to continue serving at the grass-roots level for more than 3 years. Public institutions in cities and counties may organize targeted assessment recruitment for the staff serving grass-roots projects in their cities and counties, or for those of a certain project serving grass-roots projects; and


(8)Other circumstances in line with the requirements of assessment recruitment.

第三十二条  招聘单位(部门)应当按照国家考试保密的相关规定规范试卷命制、印刷、密封、交接、保管、启封、考试等环节的工作。考试中出现失泄密情况的,应当及时采取措施并向有关部门报告。

Article 32  The recruiting units (departments) shall standardize the examination paper designing, printing, sealing, handover, storage, unsealing and examination in accordance with the provisions of the national examination confidentiality. In case of any breach of confidence during the examination, measures shall be taken timely and reports made to relevant authorities.

第三十三条  招聘单位(部门)可面向省内外高校应届毕业生组织校园公开招聘。校园公开招聘可适当缩短报名时间,简化招聘程序,并可由招聘单位(部门)自主决定笔试、面试顺序。应聘人员考试(考核)合格的,招聘单位(部门)可现场与其签订聘用协议,待其毕业后再办理聘用手续。

Article 33  Recruiting units (departments) can organize the open recruitment on campus for fresh college graduates inside and outside our province. The open recruitment on campus may shorten the registration time appropriately and simplify the recruitment procedures, and the recruiting units (departments) can decide the order of written test and interview at discretion. If the candidates pass the examination (assessment), the recruiting units (departments) may sign employment agreements with them on the spot, and then go through their employment formalities after graduation.

第三十四条  除国家或我省有统一政策规定的以外,一律不得设置加分条件。

Article 34  The extra point conditions must not be set unless otherwise specified by the national or out provincial policies.

第六章  体检与考察
Chapter 6  Physical Examination and Investigation

第三十五条  招聘单位(部门)根据岗位的招聘人数,从达到面试合格分数线的应聘人员中,按考试总成绩由高至低等额确定参加体检的应聘人员。应聘人员放弃体检或因体检不合格出现的岗位空缺,可在应聘相同岗位且达到面试合格分数线的人员中,按总成绩从高至低依次递补。

Article 35  The recruiting units (departments) should, based upon the recruiting numbers, identify the candidates for physical examination from those meeting the qualifying score for interview, according to the total score from high to low. The job vacancies arising from any waiver of the physical examination or unqualified check-up can be replaced by those applying for the same position and meeting the qualifying score for interview, according to the total score from high to low.

第三十六条  体检时间、注意事项等由招聘单位(部门)提前告知应聘人员。体检应在县级以上综合性医院进行。在事业单位公开招聘工作人员体检标准出台前,参照公务员录用体检通用标准执行。法律、法规和行业主管部门对身体条件另有规定的,从其规定。对应聘人员有特殊体检要求的招聘岗位,应当报经事业单位人事综合管理部门核准,并在招聘公告中予以明确。

Article 36  The recruiting units (departments) shall inform the candidates in advance of the time of and precautions for physical examination. Physical examination should be done in a general hospital at or above the county level. Prior to the promulgation of the physical examination standards for openly recruited staff in public institutions, reference is made to the general physical examination standards for civil servants. Where otherwise provided for the physical qualifications, such laws, regulations and competent departments of industries shall prevail. In case of any special requirements for physical examination, the job recruitment shall be approved by the general personnel management departments of public institutions and made clear in the job posting.

第三十七条  体检结果应及时告知应聘人员。应聘人员对体检结果有异议的,可自收到体检结果之日起3天内向招聘单位(部门)提出复检要求。复检应另外选择同级别医疗机构进行一次,体检结果以复检结论为准,复检时应当有纪检监察人员参与。

Article 37  The candidates should be informed of their results of physical examination in time. If the candidates have any objection to the results of physical examination, they may request the recruiting units (departments) for a re-examination within 3 days from the date of receipt of their results. The re-examination shall be done in another medical establishment of the same level. The results of re-examination shall prevail, and the discipline inspection and supervision personnel shall be present in the re-examination.

第三十八条 招聘单位(部门)应根据考试、考核、体检结果等额确定考察人选。主要是对考察人选的思想政治表现、道德品质、业务能力、工作实绩以及遵纪守法等情况进行调查了解。

Article 38  The recruiting units (departments) shall select the candidates according to the results of test, assessment and physical examination. It is mainly to investigate the ideological and political behaviors, moral character, business capability, job performance and legal compliance.

第七章  公示与聘用
Chapter 7  Publicity and Employment

第三十九条  招聘单位(部门)应当依据考试、考核、体检、考察结果等情况,采取领导成员集体研究的方式确定拟聘用人员。

Article 39  The recruiting units (departments) shall determine the candidates to be employed using the method of collective research by leading members, according to the results of test, assessment and physical examination.

第四十条  因下列情形导致拟聘岗位出现空缺的,经招聘工作组织研究,可从应聘同一岗位且面试成绩达到合格分数线的应聘人员中,按考试总成绩从高至低依次递补。但公示期满后不再进行递补。

Article 40  In case of any vacancy due to any of the following circumstances, the candidates applying for the same post and with qualifying score in interview can replace such vacancy according to their total scores from high to low. However, after the expiry of publicity period, no replacement is allowed.


(I)The investigation proves failure to meet the requirements;


(II)The candidate to be hired waives the employment during the publicity; and


(III)The results of publicity has affected the employment of the candidate.

第四十一条  招聘单位(部门)应当通过本单位(部门)门户网站对拟聘用人员进行公示,公示内容包括公开招聘单位名称、公开招聘岗位情况以及拟聘人员基本情况。公示期不得少于7天。公示期间存在争议的,由招聘单位(部门)进行调查处理,调查处理结果应当及时报送同级事业单位人事综合管理部门。

Article 41  The recruiting units (departments) shall publicize those to be employed through their portal websites, including the name of institution, job recruitment and the basic information of the candidates to be employed. The publicity shall, at a minimum, last for 7 days. In case of any dispute during the publicity period, the recruiting units (departments) shall make investigation and settlement, the results of which shall be submitted timely to the general personnel management departments of public institutions at the same level.

第四十二条  公示期满,对没有异议或者经调查不存在问题的,招聘单位(部门)应在10个工作日内将《海南省事业单位公开招聘工作人员登记表》、《海南省事业单位公开招聘工作人员花名册》、拟聘用人选的考试成绩、集体研究拟聘用人员的会议纪要等材料报送单位主管部门审核后报同级事业单位人事综合管理部门核准。符合聘用条件的人员,由招聘单位发出《海南省事业单位公开招聘工作人员聘用通知书》,并将《海南省事业单位公开招聘工作人员登记表》存入本人档案。

Article 42  Where there are no objections or problems after investigation after the expiration of publicity period, the recruiting units (departments) shall, within 10 working days, submit the Registration Form of Openly Recruited Staff of Public Institutions in Hainan Province,Roster of Openly Recruited Staff of Public Institutions in Hainan Province, the exam results of the proposed candidates, the minutes of the meeting for the collective research of the proposed candidates and other materials to the competent department for review, and then to the general personnel management departments of public institutions for approval. For those qualified for employment, the recruiting unit shall issue the Employment Notice of Openly Recruited Staff of Public Institutions in Hainan Province and keep the Registration Form of Openly Recruited Staff of Public Institutions in Hainan Province in their archives.

第四十三条  招聘单位(部门)应当按有关规定,及时办理拟聘人员报到手续。

Article 43  The recruiting units (departments) shall, in accordance with relevant regulations, go through the registration formalities for the candidates in time.


The legal representative of the open recruitment unit or its authorized agent signs an employment contract with the candidates to establish the human relations.

第四十四条  事业单位公开招聘的人员应按规定明确试用期,试用期包括在聘用合同期限内。试用期满考核合格的,予以正式聘用;考核不合格的,应取消聘用。

Article 44  A probationary period shall be specified for those openly recruited by the public institutions, and included in the term of the employment contract. Those who pass the assessment after the expiry of probationary period will be formally employed; in case of failure to pass the assessment, the employment shall be cancelled.

第四十五条  聘用人员可凭《海南省事业单位公开招聘工作人员登记表》办理党(团)关系、档案、户口迁移等相关手续。

Article 45  The employees can go through the formalities such as party (league) relationship, archives and household registration transfer with the Registration Form of Openly Recruited Staff of Public Institutions in Hainan Province.

第八章  纪律和监督
Chapter 8  Discipline and Supervision

第四十六条  公开招聘实行回避制度。

Article 46  Open recruitment should practice the challenge system.


Candidates who have conjugal relationship, direct blood relationship, collateral blood relationship up to three generations or close marriage relationship with the leaders of public institutions shall not apply for posts of secretary, personnel, finance, discipline inspection and supervision of the public institutions, as well as those with direct relationship of direct superiors and subordinates.


The leaders and recruiters of public institutions shall withdraw from the open recruitment if they have the above-mentioned kinship or have other matters that may affect the fairness of recruitment.

第四十七条  公开招聘工作应当做到信息公开、过程公开、结果公开,接受社会和纪检监察等有关部门的监督。事业单位人事综合管理部门和事业单位主管部门应当认真履行监管职责,对公开招聘过程中违反人事纪律及本办法规定的行为及时予以制止和纠正,保证公开招聘工作的公平公正。

Article 47  The open recruitment shall be open to the public in terms of information, process and results, and subject to the supervision of the society and discipline inspection and supervision departments etc. The general personnel management departments and the competent departments of public institutions shall conscientiously perform their supervisory duties, stop and correct timely the behaviors violating personnel discipline and these Measures in the process of open recruitment, thus ensuring the fairness and justice of open recruitment.

第四十八条  对公开招聘违纪违规行为的处理,按《事业单位公开招聘违纪违规行为处理规定》执行。

Article 48  The disciplinary violations of open recruitment shall be dealt with in accordance with the Regulations on the Handling of Disciplinary Violations in Open Recruitment of Public Institutions.

第九章  附 则
Chapter 9  Supplementary Provisions

第四十九条  招聘单位(部门)应建立公开招聘工作舆情监测机制,制定突发性事件应急预案,及时受理有关投诉或者举报。对于重大舆情要及时处置并按有关规定进行报告。

Article 49   The recruiting units (departments) shall establish a public opinion monitoring mechanism for open recruitment, formulate contingency plans for unexpected events, and accept relevant complaints or reports timely. Major public opinions shall be timely disposed of and reported as required.

第五十条  事业单位公开招聘港澳台居民以及各级党政机关、参照公务员管理的事业单位补充工勤技能人员,参照本办法执行。

Article 50  These Measures shall apply to the open recruitment of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents, the replacement of ground skilled staff in Party and government offices at all levels, and public institutions managed with reference to the Law on Civil Servants.

第五十一条 事业单位招聘外国人,按照国家及我省有关规定执行。

Article 51  The public institutions should recruit foreigners in accordance with the national and our provincial regulations.

第五十二条 本办法由海南省人力资源和社会保障厅负责解释。

Article 52  The Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Hainan Province is responsible for the interpretation of these Measures.

第五十三条  本办法自发布之日起实施,《海南省事业单位公开招聘人员实施办法》(琼人社发〔2011〕100号)同时废止。我省事业单位公开招聘的其他文件规定与本办法不一致的,以本办法为准。

Article 53  These Measures shall come into force as of the date of promulgation, and the Implementation Measures for Open Recruitment of Personnel by Public Institutions in Hainan Province(QRSF [2011] No.100) shall be annulled at the same time. In case of any discrepancy between other documents on open recruitment of public institutions in our province and these Measures, the latter shall prevail.

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