• 发布日期:2024-02-08 17:11
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Delivered at the Third Session of the Seventh People’s Congress

of Hainan Provinceon January 23, 2024

Liu Xiaoming

Governor of Hainan Province

Fellow Deputies,

On behalf of the Peoples Government of Hainan Province, I will now report to you on thework of the government for your deliberation and approval. I also invite comments frommembers of the Hainan Provincial Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and other non-voting delegates.

I. A Review of the Work in 2023

The year 2023 was an important yearwhen major steps were taken in our preparation for island-wide special customs operations of the Hainan Free Trade Port (FTP), and the high-quality economic development regained momentum after the COVID-19 pandemic. General Secretary Xi Jinping cares deeply about the building of the Hainan FTP, declaring to the world in various occasions the determination to expand high-level institutional opening up of the FTP. His thoughts and instructions provided fundamental guidance for our work and a strong drive for us to diligently carry out our duties.

Over the past year, we have kept in mind the earnest instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the fundamental interests of the country. Under the strong leadership of the Hainan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), we have fully implemented the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress, thoroughly carried out the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and fully and faithfully applied the new development philosophy on all fronts. We have given top priority to pursing high-quality development and accelerating the province’s integration into the new development paradigm. We have attached great importance to competing for talent and investment and pushing forward greater reform and opening up. We have forged ahead despite various challenges and expanded our competitive advantages by making breakthroughs. As a result, the province’s economy has steadily rebounded, and high-quality development has been solidly promoted, as evident in our nation-leading economic growth rate, trend-bucking outward-oriented economy, accelerated expansion of new industries and new drivers of growth, and considerable improvement of people’s well-being. The building of Hainan FTP is in full swing.

In 2023, the growth rates of many indicators rankedamong the best in China. The provincial GDP grew by 9.2 percent, second fastest nationwide. The added value of industries above the designated size and of service industries increased by 18.5 percent and 10.3 percent respectively, registering the nation’s highest growth rates in 2023. The local general public budget revenue grew by 8.2 percent, and fixed asset investment by 1.1 percent. The total retail sales of consumer goods rose by 10.7 percent, and trade in goods by 15.3 percent, with their growth rates both ranking fifth nationwide. Trade in services was up by 29.6 percent. The per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents rose by 6.3 percent and 8.3 percent respectively, third fastest in the country. The surveyed unemployment rate in urban areas was kept at 5.2 percent, and the consumer price index (CPI) at about 0.3 percent.

(1) Economic recovery accelerated with improved quality.In view to promoteeconomic growth, implement major projects and boost overall development, we’ve taken many approaches including combining policies with effective measures, boosting demand while strengthening market entities, and implementing the mechanism of monthly monitoring and quarterly review.

The recovery of tourism led to consumer market rebound.The coastal scenic highway fully opened to traffic. The passenger throughput of the three major airports and across the Qiongzhou Strait all reached new highs, with an increase of 49.9 percent in visiting tourists and a 71.9 percent increase in total tourism revenue. Boao Dongyu Island was recognized as a national-level tourist resort. Hainan has seen success in attracting domestic consumers to spend on high-end goods,medical care and education within the island instead of overseas. The third China International Consumer Products Expo (CICPE) exceeded previous sessions in participating brands, new product launches, and attendance; the sales at the 12 offshore duty-free shops reached 58.09 billion yuan, an increase of 19.3 percent; the Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone introduced 86 types of innovative drugs and medical devices from overseas, saw its real-world data application pilot program accelerate with four new products approved for entering the market, and posted a 60.1 percent increase in medical tourists it received; the Lingshui Li’an International Education Innovation Pilot Zone approved eight Sino-foreign collaboration education institutions with over 2,000 students and faculty members currently on campus.

Project implementation drove the optimization of investment structures.We innovated project planning, promotion, and support mechanisms, and advanced 204 key provincial projects, including 45 newly initiated projects and 21 projects completed and put into operation. Industrial investment across the province grew by 6.3 percent, with high-tech industry investment up by 13 percent. The proportion of industrial investment increased by 0.5 percentage points. The revenue of 13 key industrial parks reached 2 trillion yuan, and leading industries accelerated the aggregation of their industrial chains into clusters.

Direct and fast implementation of preferential business policies stimulated corporate vitality.Newly implemented tax and fee cuts, tax rebates, and postponed fee payments amounted to over 19.06 billion yuan, with “Haiyidui”, the province’s pro-business policy delivery service system, disbursing 2.33 billion yuan from pro-business funds, and inclusive loans to micro and small businesses grew by 20 percent.

Business environment was optimized to facilitate the development of market entities. We fully put into service the “machine-based bidding.” More than 90 percent of government services were handled online. The number of items in the notification-and-commitment system for business licensing remained the highest in the country. The province’s first national demonstration zone for the development of the social credit system was established. A total of 48 new centrally-administered state-owned enterprises settled in Hainan. China General Aviation Co., Ltd. became Hainan’s first provincial enterprise with “China” in its name, and four new provincial-level state-owned enterprises were established as a result of restructuring and consolidation. The revenue of provincial-level state-owned enterprises rose by 65.2 percent, the highest growth rate in the country.

(2) The building of Hainan Free Trade Port (FTP) took shape and gained momentum.Focusing on island-wide special customs operations—the “No. 1 Project” of the Hainan FTP—we carried out monthly coordination and made steady progress according to schedule, with overall progress meeting expectations.  

Preparations for island-wide special customs operations are in full swing.We have been beating the clock to implement the three lists of tasks, projects, and stress tests in the preparation work. The construction of the major parts of 31 related projects has been basically completed, policy and system design of 33 items have accelerated, and 20 of the 27 stress test tasks have been conducted.

FTP policies were progressively upgraded with increasingly clear effectiveness. Amendments were made to the “Legislation Law of the People’s Republic of China”, allowing the local legislature to formulate regulations for the Hainan FTP. The State Council approved the request for adjustment in the implementation of two regulations1. The three “zero-tariff” lists2continued to expand and became more effective, adding 22 items of transport vehicles and yachts, with the value of zero-tariff goods exceeding 19.57 billion yuan. Offshore duty-free shopping options of “pick-up upon guarantee” and “instant pick-up” were implemented. Eleven pilot policies and measures in the Yangpu Bonded Port Area were expanded to the entire Yangpu Area. The import tariff exemption policy for products after value-added processing that are sold to other areas of China (domestic sales) were expanded to key industrial parks across the province, with the number of beneficiary enterprises doubled, and the value of domestic sales exceeding 4.67 billion yuan. Cross-border receipts and payments totaled US$87.32 billion, an increase of 39.5 percent. Policies supporting overseas higher education institutions coming to Hainan and trial runs of cruising routes from ports in Hainan, among others, were released. A pilot program for the security of the special cross-border data transmission channel serving the initiative promoting Chinese games in overseas markets was officially approved by the state. Ministerial and provincial joint efforts promoted ten tasks of institutional integration and innovation. Six new institutional innovations were issued. An one-stop online policy query and interpretation platform was launched.

Opening up and cooperation yielded fruitful results.A total of 15 core policy measures were issued to support the building of Hainan’s “two headquarters bases3.” We made greater efforts to achieve synergistic development with the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, achieving new results in such areas as policies, mechanisms, and projects. The Hunan-Hainan and the Guangdong-Hainan cooperation industrial parks4 started construction. Provincial leaders led delegations to 26 countries and regions in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas, to carry out international investment promotion, attracting a number of foreign-funded companies to Hainan. Two fifth-freedom passenger air routes were opened, 50 international passenger and cargo flight routes were restored or newly opened, and 11 container liner shipping routes were newly added. We launched the “Global Free Trade Zone (Port) Partnership Initiative,” with 30 participants so far.

(3) Multiple breakthroughs were achieved in technological innovation and industrial upgrading.We made overall plans for innovation chains, cultivated industrial chains, strengthened our strong points, and shored up weak links, thereby enhancing our scientific and technological innovation capabilities and industrial competitiveness.

Innovation-driven development was strengthened.R&D spending is expected to rise to about 1.2 percent of the province’s GDP. The inclusion of the Yazhou Bay Laboratory into Hainan’s science and innovation platform progressed faster than the other laboratories in the same batch. The No.1 launch pad of the nation’s first commercial spacecraft launch site was completed. The Sanya Oceanographic Laboratory and the Wenchang Base of the Deep Space Exploration Laboratory were established, and construction of the Hainan Quantum Base of the Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale has begun. The provincial seed industry laboratory, deep-sea technology innovation center, and aerospace technology innovation center are operatingin an orderly manner. The number of authorized patents increased by 44.3 percent, and the transaction value of technology contracts grew by 46.3 percent. Up to 6 full-time academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering are now working in Hainan. We are the first in the country to establish a whitelist for cross-border payment of science and technology research funds, and we expanded and improved the pilot program that grants long-term use rights or ownership of scientific and technological achievements made by researchers.

New industrial sectors gained momentum. A number of petrochemical new material projects, including a million-ton ethylene refinery, were put into production with a newly increased output value of 26 billion yuan. The biomedical industry accelerated its application of scientific and technological advances, with the innovative COVID-19 drug from Simcere Pharmaceutical Group launched and six companies experimenting with the “Lecheng research and application + Haikou production” model. Breakthroughs in several fields were made, including offshore wind power equipment, marine engineering and yachts, new energy SPVs, and oil service equipment maintenance. The province’s first semiconductor chipset production line was put into operation, and the Jinhai degradable high-end paper project and the Lingao offshore wind farm started construction. Phase II of the Changjiang Nuclear Power Plant and the multipurpose modular small reactor technology demonstration project at the same facility progressed steadily. The province’s largest centralized photovoltaic base was connected to the grid and started operation. The value added of manufacturing enterprises above the designated size increased by 21.8 percent. An additional 594 small and medium-sized technology enterprises were established. Hainan is now home to 347 specialized, high-end and innovation-driven enterprises. Haikou became one of the first pilot cities for the digitalization of SMEs in the country.

Modern service industry was expanded and upgraded.The Yangpu Port national logistics hub was approved. The number of international cargo ships registered at the Yangpu Port of China reached 43, second in the nation in terms of the total tonnage of international ships. The import and export value of bonded maintenance at airports exceeded 12 billion yuan. Phase I of the world’s first commercial underwater data center project was completed. The first duty deferral for data processing with material and market abroad completed testing. The provincial inspection and examination institutions were integrated and restructured. The first rural commercial bank in the country with a unified legal entity across a province was approved for establishment. The comprehensive income of the MICE industry increased by 53 percent.

(4) Higher level of coordinated development in both urban and rural areas was achieved.While keeping the big picture in mind, we focused on the key words of “integration” and “high-quality” to build up synergies for overall development.

Major infrastructure was upgraded.The largest ro-ro (roll-on, roll-off) passengerterminal in the country was completed. PhaseⅢ of the expansion projects for Sanya Phoenix International Airport and Qionghai Boao Airport startedconstruction. Projects such as the expansion of the Yangpu International Container Shipping Hub, the Yangpu Port Expressway, and the high-speed artery around Xinying Bay are underway. The Hongling multipurpose hydro project was completed, the Tianjiaotan Reservoir began storing water, and the main part of the Niululing Reservoir Irrigation Area startedconstruction. China’s first 500kV province-wide digital power grid began installation, and the “one network” charging and battery-swapping facilities system is peerless in the country. Hainan is the first province in which all administrative villages now enjoy access to gigabit fiber optic internet and 5G networks.

The provision and support of production factors were significantly strengthened.The province’s territorial spatial development plan was approved by the State Council. The reform of releasing rural collectively-owned commercial construction land into the market was rolled out across the province. A whole-process system of “project planning + land supermarket + streamlined approval” for land supply was established, and the “land supermarket” extended its coverage to include the sea, minerals, arable land replenishmentquotas, and carbon sinks. The annual task of handling land approved but yet to be supplied and idle land was successfully accomplished. Arable land covering 156,000 mu (about 10,400 hectares) was returned to crop planting, and we based management of high-standard farmland and permanent basic farmland on the comprehensive set of farmland data used for national territorial space planning.

Rural revitalization made solid progress. Through dynamic monitoring and precise assistance, the per capita net income of families lifted out of poverty increased by 12.4 percent, and the renovation of dilapidated rural houses was completed.We stepped up the development of agriculture and achieved growth in total grainoutput,sown area, and grain yield. The cultivation of key agricultural industry chains and the “Hainan Fresh Products” brand matrix sped up. The output value of the Nanfan seed breeding industry exceeded 10 billion yuan for the first time. A total of 18 agricultural products were identified as green food, organic agricultural products, and agricultural products with geographical indications. A national modern agriculture industrial park, an industrial cluster with special strength and features, and a strong industrial town were established. The total output value of the agricultural product processing industry grew by 9 percent. One billion yuan was allocated for natural rubber insurance premium subsidies and the promotion of good varieties and growing methods, and 250,000 mu (about 16,666.7 hectares) of plantationquota were designated for special rubber. We added 300,000 cubic meters of deep-sea aquaculture waters, improved the breeding-to-catch ratio in fishery to 4:6, and increased the recreational fishery output value by 90 percent. There were 16 provincial-level shared farms. One hundred “beautiful villages” were newly built.

(5) People’s livelihood and social affairs saw all-round progress.Our commitment to serving the people was backed up by concrete actions, ensuring tangible benefits and a real sense of gain for the public. All ten projects concerning people’s livelihood were completed.

The employment-first policy was effectively implemented.A total of 171,000 new urban jobs were created, and 1.49 million rural residents left their hometowns for work. A total of 238 employment service stations were set up and put into operation. 168,000 talents of various specialties were attracted to Hainan, and 69,000 college graduates signed contracts at the “Hainan Recruitment Initiative”. Hainan won its first gold medal in the National Vocational Skills Competition.

Education was improved through a package of policies. A high-level mechanism was established for promoting the quality and balanced development of basic education. 46,000 places for basic education and two specialized schools were newly added, and 6,360 teachers were introduced for urgently needed subjects.Air conditioners were installed in 5,506 classroomsof public primary and secondary schools, and illumination renovation was carried out in 3,710 high school classrooms. The overall incidence of myopia in children and adolescents continued to drop for the fifth consecutive year. Hainan’s first independently-run foreign university, Hainan Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, started enrollment.

Steady improvements were made in medical and health services. We achieved a smooth transition in our COVID-19 response efforts. The reform of the disease control and prevention system progressed steadily. The relocation of the provincial Center for Disease Control was completed, and the Hainan Public Health Clinical Center and the new project of Hainan Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital finished construction and were handed over. Phase I projects of all fourregional medical centers at the national level5were completed. The electronic prescription center went online. Sanya was included into the list for the national public hospital reform and high-quality development demonstration project, and Dongfang made initial achievements in building a national comprehensive primary-level health pilot zone. The first provincial multi-level medical aid demonstration area was created. The average inpatient cost in public hospitals decreased by 12.9 percent. Fifty-two digital therapy companies were established in Hainan.

The cultural and sports sectors were flourishing. The 7th Hainan Traditional Games of Ethnic Minorities and the 1st China (Hainan) Dongpo Cultural Tourism Conference6 were successfully held.The Qiongzhong women’s football team went undefeated andwon the 2023 Chinese Football Association (CFA) Women’s Football League, and will compete in the CFA Super League this year. Cultural and sports activities such as village volleyball, village basketball, and village fashion shows became sensations both on social media and offline. The Hainan Provincial Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition Center, phase II of Haikou Bay Performance Center, and Hainan Tanka Museum were completed. The Hainan Art Center, Hainan Art Museum, and Hainan International Cultural Heritage and Art Exchange started construction. A Ming Dynasty shipwreck site was discovered for the first time in Hainan at a depth of 1,500 meters in the South China Sea, a major archaeological discovery of global significance. Sanya was selected as a national foreign cultural trade base. The Copyright Protection Center of China opened its first branch in the country in Hainan.

Social security measures were bolstered to meet basic needs. Basic pensions and medical insurance subsidies were raised. The minimum urban and rural subsistence allowances were increased by 13.1 percent and 20.7 percent respectively, and the basic living standards for disadvantaged groups were raised by 12.5 percent. The basic elderly care services and community rehabilitation services for those with mental disorders achieved full coverage at the city and county levels. The average price of “15+N” varieties of vegetables remained stable.The renovation of 410 old and dilapidated urban residential areas started, benefiting 36,000 households. The construction of 25,000 units of affordable housing started, and 33,000 units were completed.

(6) Green and low-carbon transformation deepened.Striving to be an exemplary performer in achieving the dual carbon goals7, we built on our advantages, acted as a trailblazer, and intensified ecological conservation in the pursuit of high-quality development. 99.5 percentof days in 2023 enjoyed good air quality, with a PM2.5 concentration of 12 micrograms per cubic meter. The surface water quality at over 95.9 percent of province-monitored sections was rated as good. Hainan remained a national leader in the ecological environment.

Decisive measureswere adopted to improve the ecological environment.Immediate actions were taken in response to problems identified during the third round of central environmental inspections, and the annual rectification tasks assigned by the national marine environment inspection team were completed. We successfully applied for the Shan-Shui Initiative8, receiving 2 billion yuan in support from the central government. Continued efforts were made to protect and restore coral reefs. The Sansha City Sea Turtle Rescue and Conservation Center was founded to effectively protect the ecological system of islands and reefs in the South China Sea.

New mechanisms for turning “lucid waters and lush mountains” into “invaluable assets” were explored and refined. The local Gross Ecosystem Product (GEP) accounting standards at the provincial level that reflect Hainan’s characteristics and include both land and sea were issued, and the first batch of typical cases of ecological product value realization was released. The first assessment of ecological protection compensation in river basins between upstream and downstream areas across the province was conducted. The first GEP loan was granted, the first blue carbon trade was made, and the first 60,000-ton carbon capture project started construction. The methodology for mangrove carbon sequestration was developed.

Landmark projects made new progress.The master plan for the Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park was released and implemented with phase I of the park’s boundary demarcation completed. The proportion of clean energy installations reached 78.5 percent. New energy vehicles accounted for over 50 percent of all vehicles sold in 2023, ranking first in the country, and the province’s new energy vehicles ownership is the second highest nationwide. The 2023 World New Energy Vehicle Congress was successfully held. Degradable plastic products have replaced 80.2 percent of conventional plastic products. The area of prefabricated buildings accounted for more than 70 percent of all new constructions, ranking second nationwide. The “six water treatment campaign”9 received an investment of 20.3 billion yuan and essentially eliminated black and odorous water bodies in urban areas. The rural domestic sewage treatment rate was 21.3 percentagepoints higher than the national average. The Boao Dongyu Island Zero Carbon Emissions Demonstration Zone is ready for trial operation.

(7) Risk prevention and control was solid and effective. We made proactive and holistic moves against risk by carrying out targeted measures in areas of concern to the central Party leadership and the public as well as those to which Hainan was most susceptible.

The risk prevention and control network for the Hainan Free Trade Port (FTP) has been strengthened. The 16 provincial-level risk prevention and control special working groups were required to assume their full responsibilities, and 145 potential risks were identified for regular management, early warning with sufficient foresight, and closed-loop resolution. Efforts to combat the illegal arbitrage of duty-free goods were strengthened, as did the rectification of illegal vessels10, which significantly enhanced the FTP’s comprehensive anti-smuggling capabilities. Financial institution reforms were advanced to mitigate risks, with the non-performing loan ratio down by 4.37 percent. Prudent measures were taken to ensure the delivery of pre-sold housing and resolve local government debt risks.

Workplace safety saw steady improvements. The number of workplace accidents and deaths were down by 8.4 percent and 12.6 percent respectively, with no major accidents occurring, and the area affected by forest fires reached a record low. The Hainan Provincial Emergency Supplies Reserve Center began construction, and the Hainan Provincial Aviation Emergency Rescue Center was approved for establishment.

More efforts were devoted to advancing the Safe Hainan initiative. Application scenarios of the two foundational projects, the “Smart Hainan” and the “Hainan Integrity Initiative”, were continuously expanded, and the readiness of the social management platform to deal with real-life situations was enhanced. Campaigns to combat and control drugs, crack down on gambling and fraud, and protect minors were effective, with the number of homicide cases dropping to a new low and the ratio of drug addicts to the resident population decreasing to 0.4 per mille. It has become regular for high-ranking government officials to respond to public complaint letters and petitions in person and pay visits to learn about people’s complaints. This achieved new results in petition management at the source. The food and drug safety situation was stable and has seen continuous improvement. Haikou was recognized as the province’s first national food safety demonstration city.

We carried out the education campaign on the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era in the government system in a strict and practical manner, and advanced such actions as the stress testing for island-wide special customs operations of the FTP, integration of reclaimed farmlands, comprehensive reform in basic education, and “one industrial and one rural special actions11in a push to build an efficient government. The anti-corruption campaign in public facilities construction made solid progress. The building of a law-based and clean government has been effective. The Counselor’s Office of the provincial government was established and put into operation. The provincial government regularly coordinated legislative affairs with the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress, submitting 15 regulatory bills for deliberation, and handling 316 recommendations from the deputies to the Provincial People’s Congress and 455 proposals from the Provincial CPPCC Committee members, with a handling rate of 100 percent.

New achievements were made in our work on national defense mobilization, civil air and naval defense, mutual support between the military and civilians, veteran affairs, auditing, statistics, historical annals, archiving, meteorology, geology, and seismology. Fields such as trade union work, the welfare of women and children, youth development, and charity saw new progress.

Fellow Deputies,

Along the tortuous path to economic recovery, it has not been easy to achieve such accomplishments amidst external pressures and internal difficulties. These achievements are the result of the sound guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. They are also due to the guidance, help, and strong support from central and national departments, as well as from other provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government. We also owe these successes to the concerted efforts and enterprising spirit of all the people of our province under the leadership of the CPC Provincial Committee, as well as the effective supervision by and joint efforts from the Provincial People’s Congress, the Provincial CPPCC Committee, and all sectors of society. On behalf of the Provincial People’s Government, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the people of Hainan, to deputies to the Hainan Provincial People’s Congress and members of the Hainan Provincial Committee of the CPPCC, to all other political parties in China, the Hainan Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, people’s organizations and people from all walks of life, to central Party and government bodies, other provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government, to troops and armed police stationed in Hainan, and to fellow countrymen and women in Hong Kong, Macaoand Taiwan, overseasChinese nationals, and friends across the world who have long shown care and support for the development of Hainan!

We are also aware that there are still many difficulties and problems in Hainans social and economic development. The main issues are that the foundation of economic recovery is not yet solid, with fixed asset investment being sluggish. Consumption faces the pressures of insufficient potential and competition from neighboring areas. Numerous difficulties beset the real economy, especially for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, and business entities lack vitality. There are still many bottlenecks and difficulties in promoting high-quality development. A significant gap persists between urban and rural development, numerous issues need to be addressed in areas important to peoples livelihood, and the task of preventing and resolving risks is arduous. The capacity and level of the FTPs institutional integration and innovation should be greater and higher. Business environment still needs to be improved, and the sense of fulfillment for business entities and the general public is not strong enough. We need to set up reform and innovation, implementation, coordination among departments and government efficiency, and better serve the public. Pointless formalities and bureaucratism exist in varying degrees. There is a lack of initiative in identifying problems and fulfilling responsibilities, and some areas are prone to corruption. We have already taken a series of measures to address these issues and must intensify our efforts and work diligently to solve them as soon as possible.

II. Our Work Plans for 2024

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. It is also a crucial year for achieving the goals and tasks of the 14th Five-Year Plan, as well as for making breakthroughs in island-wide special customs operations. Our work is of great significance and our responsibility profoundly important.

The general requirements for the government work this year are as follows:

·follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era;

·fully implement the guiding principles from the 20th CPC National Congress, the Second Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, and the Central Economic Work Conference;

·conscientiously implement the guiding principles from the 8th Party Congress of Hainan Province, the plenary sessions of the 8th Hainan Provincial Party Committee, and the Provincial Party Committee’s Economic Work Conference;

·steadfastly adhere to the strategic framework of “One Guideline, Three Foundations, Four Beams, and Eight Pillars”12;

·adhere to the principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability, promoting stability through progress, and establishing the new before abolishing the old;

·fully and faithfully apply the new development philosophy on all fronts and actively integrate into and contribute to the new development paradigm;

·pursue high-quality development, deepen reform and opening up, promote science and technological innovation, and build a modern industrial system;

·coordinate the preparation for special customs operations and economic and social development, coordinate efforts to boost domestic demand and promote supply-side structural reform, coordinate new urbanization and comprehensive rural revitalization, and coordinate high-quality development and high-level security;

·effectively enhance economic vitality, prevent and defuse risks, improve social expectations, and consolidate and boost the upward trend of the economy;

·effectively pursue higher quality growth and appropriately increase economic output;

·enhance people’s livelihood and welfare and maintain overall social stability; and

·score new victories in the building and high-quality development of the Hainan FTP.

The main projected targets for economic and social development are as follows:

·GDP growth of about 8 percent;

·local general public budget revenue growth of about 7 percent;

·fixed asset investment growth of about 10 percent;

·increase in total retail sales of consumer goods of about 8 percent;

·urban and rural residents’ per capita disposable income growth of about 8 percent and 8.5 percent respectively;

·surveyed urban unemployment rate below 5.5 percent;

·CPI increase below 3 percent;

·sound quality of the eco-environment;and

·compliance with national assigned targets in energy conservation, emission reduction and carbon emission intensity decline.

This year, besides routine tasks, seven major campaignson key issues and in key areaswill be carried out.

Prepare for island-wide special customs operations.This is crucial for implementing major national strategies and meeting expectations for the FTP. We must mobilize the entire province to deliverthe “No.1 Project” by completing the building of infrastructure and institutions of the Hainan FTP, conducting thorough stress tests and ensuring effective risk prevention and control to lay a solid foundation for special customs operations by the end of 2025.

Ramp up investment and enhance investment effectiveness. Insufficient project planning and preparation and inadequate preliminary work have been long-standing impediments to Hainan’s development. We must put projects first, strengthening whole-cycle, closed-loop management by implementing the “five lists”13, and advancing in the rhythm of “four batches”14 to better leverage the important role of effective investment in stabilizing growth, adjusting structures, and delivering real benefits to the people.

Bring international tourism and consumption to a new level.Hainan boasts the strategic position as an international tourism and consumption center. We must confront the intense competition in the domestic and international tourism markets, accelerate the launch of flagship tourism projects that can lead to explosive growth in consumption, continue to promote the return of the three major areas of overseas consumption to the domestic market, and give better play to Hainan’s role as an intersection in China’s “double development dynamic.”

Strengthen industrial chains.The foundation of high-quality development lies in the real economy. We must do our best to strengthen industries by building an open, ecosystem-based, and innovative modern industrial system. We will concentrate on cutting-edge technologies, create industrial ecosystems, encourage clustering along a chain and between different chains, and develop a new industrial pattern driven by chain-leading enterprises and supported by industrial parks, with sound upstream and downstream collaboration.

Comprehensively improve the business environment.Business environment is crucial for the success of the FTP. We must strive to obtain the goal of creating a business environment by 2025 that ranks among the best domestically. Aiming at satisfying the public and business entities, promoting integrity and credibility in society, and stepping up the digitization of the government, we will introduce cross-department, cross-level, and cross-region results of institutional integration and innovation. By focusing on the details, we aims to advance the business environment in certain fields and regions to the top national level.

Ensure steady advancement, expansion, and enhancement of the financial sector. Finance is the lifeblood of the national economy. We must adhere to the financial positioning of the FTP, highlighting services for high-level opening up and the development of the real economy. We will make full use of various investment and financing policies and tools and leverage the combined effects of fiscal policy and financing, focusing on key areas such as technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, elderly care finance, and digital finance. We will prevent and mitigate financial risks to create a favorable financial environment for the development of the FTP.

Stabilize the growth and improve the quality of foreign trade and investment.This is a highly significant task in the developmentof the FTP. We must benchmark against international standards, set higher goals for Hainan’s role as the “two headquarters bases,” “two networks”15, and “two hubs,”16strengthen and expand foreign trade fundamentals, attract foreign-invested landmark projects, introduce a number of groundbreaking and pioneering projects with foreigninvestment, and strive for one to two projects to be included in the national coordination mechanism for foreign trade and foreign investment services. We aim to raise the ratio of foreign trade to GDP above the national average.

For each of these challenging campaigns, we must adopt unusual measures. We will set up a special working group for every campaign and finish formulating plans by the Spring Festival. We will build a closed-loop operation system with seven key factors17 and advance those campaigns with the joint efforts of the entire province, with the provincial, municipal, and county agencies answering the same call to ensure excellence in each campaign and the overall results.

The following nine tasks centering on high-quality development will be carried out:

(1) Step up efforts to promote economic recovery

We will strengthen policy coordination to solidify the foundation of economic stability, enhance the momentum of growth, and improve the quality and effectiveness of new incentives, ensuring that Hainan’s economic growth rate remains at the forefront of the country.

Expand effective investment.We will allocate one billion yuan for preliminary work on projects and strengthen mechanisms for factors related to land use, energy use, and environmental impact assessment, among others, to be involved in the early stages of a project to increase the quality of project planning and accelerate the construction of projects. We will ensure that key project investments account for more than 50 percent of the total fixed asset investment. We will launch a number of large-scale leading investment projects including offshore wind power, cultural tourism consumption, aiming for an industrial investment growth of 8 percent. We will fully utilize such policy tools as local government special bonds and PPPs18 to launch projects such as the Zhanjiang-Haikou High-Speed Railway, the expansion of the Sanya section of the G98 Hainan Island Ring Expressway, and the third phase of the Macun Port, targeting an infrastructure investment growth of 10 percent. We will establish a “chain leader” mechanism to attract investment, and conduct an investment promotion competition to reward outstanding cities and counties with financial incentives.

Stimulate consumption potential.We will make the fourth China International Consumer Products Expo another success and promote high-quality development of Hainan’s convention and exhibition industry. We will enhance the attractiveness of offshore duty-free shopping by creating competitive advantages in price, variety, and service, aiming for a 10 percent increase in offshore duty-free sales. We will accelerate the integrated development of the medical, pharmaceutical, research and production sectorsas well as the construction of Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone, and strengthen its advantages in such specialties as oncology, rare diseases, and medical cosmetology to achieve 400,000 medical tourism visits (person times), 50,000 uses (person times) of authorized medical devices, and six billion yuan in revenue. In our efforts to build the “foreign education in Hainan” brand, we will start phase II of the Lingshui Li’an International Education Innovation Pilot Zone, attracting one or two renowned domestic or international universities to open new campuses in the zone, and double the zone’s numbers of teachers and students. We will advance the founding of independent foreign-run schools such as the branches of Moscow Power Engineering Institute and EHL Hospitality Business School. We will coordinate online and offline sales promotion, encourage trading in used cars for new ones, optimize the export process for used cars, and incentivize the purchase of big-ticket items such as home appliances and furniture to replace the old ones. We will boost new types of consumption, such as digital, green, and health consumption and improve the commercial system in counties.

Foster more vibrant economic entities. We will implement the strongest possible policies in structural tax cuts and fee reductions, thoroughly regulate enterprise-related charges, clear overdue payments to businesses, and promote a stable recovery of private investment and the growth of the private economy. We will establish a new emergency loan fund to provide bridge financing to businesses operating normally and with good credit but temporarily in financial difficulty. We will accelerate the cultivation and improvement of business entities, adding 900 enterprises above the designated size and 60 specialized, high-end and innovation-driven SMEs. We will deepen and enhance the reform of state-owned enterprises, complete the strategic restructuring and specialized merger of four provincial state-owned enterprises, and encourage centrally-administered state-owned enterprises to set up businesses and headquarters and increase investments and employment in Hainan.

(2) Deepen reform and opening up at a higher level

We will push for greater reform and opening-up in the development of the FTP, so as to stimulate intrinsic power and vitality for achieving more iconic results synonymous with the Hainan FTP.

Complete the building of infrastructure and institutions for special customs operations. We will implement the plan for island-wide special customs operations and promote the issuance of a series of supporting documents. We will launch stress tests on a rolling basis, expand application scenarios, and increase test samples, conducting comprehensive, full-process stress tests on policy and systems, related facilities, system platforms, and management capabilities. We will clarify the management and operation mechanisms of “second-line” ports and customs clearance processes and build a concentrated and convenient regulatory model to minimize customs clearance time and the clearance processes. We will comprehensively check for and fill the gaps in projects of infrastructure construction and institution establishment in support of special customs operations. We will conduct a special assessment of Hainan’s readiness for special customs operations.

Promote the effectiveness and impact of FTP policies.We will promote the introduction of core policies and systems for special customs operations, such as customs regulatory measures, the catalog of imported taxable goods, and lists of prohibited and restricted goods. We will research and advance the optimization of corporate and personal income tax policies for FTP enterprises and work for the continuation of policies such as corporate income tax exemption for new overseas direct investments and one-off tax deductions, accelerated depreciation, or amortization of newly purchased assets. We will achieve a batch of more influential institutional integration and innovation results that are better aligned with the overall blueprint and pay special attention to their promotion and wide adoption. We will launch multi-functional free trade (electronic fence) accounts. We will strengthen the rule of law in foreign investment related fields and improve relevant regulations that align with international norms. We will carry out targeted efforts to remove obstacles in the application of tax-free policies for domestic sales of processed and value-added products.

Promote high-level opening up. We will accelerate the implementation of pilot tasks to align with international high-standard economic and trade rules. We will further optimize trade liberalization and facilitation measures, upgrade the international trade “single window” service platform and achieve integration with the customs smart supervision platform. We will vigorously develop new business forms and models such as cross-border e-commerce, overseas warehouses, offshore trade, and digital trade. We will speed up the construction of digital content bonded areas, strive to reduce compliance costs at ports, and aim for a 15 percent growth in both goods and services trade. We will drive progress in introducing a new version of the negative list for foreign investment and increase paid-in foreign investment by 10 percent. We will actively advance cooperation in the green and low-carbon fields between China (Hainan) and Singapore. We will serve and effectively utilize the Boao Forum for the Asia Annual Conference for Hainan’s development, organize the Global Free Trade Port Development sub-forum, and expand the partnership under the “Global Free Trade Zone (Port) Partnership Initiative”.

Concentrate efforts to create a first-class business environment. Emphasizing the rule of law, internationalization, and facilitation, we will enact and implement a series of more precise and detailed reform measures. We will improve the accessibility of one-stop government services in over 70 fields and strive to achieve an 80 percent usage rate of online government services. We will fully promote the integration of the approval, supervision, law enforcement, and credit systems19,establish a provincial unified public credit information data pool, add more than 50 credit application scenarios, and accelerate the construction of a new credit-based regulatory mechanism. We will deepen the market-oriented allocation reform of elements such as land, capital, technology, and data. We will improve the mechanism for immediately addressing issues reported by enterprises. We will optimize and upgrade the one-stop service platform for foreign-funded enterprises and strive to enhance the convenience of work and life for foreign investors and expatriates.

(3) Coordinate the development of education, science and technology, and talent at greater depth

We will carry out the integrated development of education, science and technology, and talent to foster new growth drivers and advantages.

Build a high-quality education system.We will promote the expansion and improvement of basic education, adding 40,000 public school slots in basic education, constructing, renovating or enlarging 30 public kindergartens, and starting construction on two special education schools. The per-student government subsidy for urban and rural compulsory education will be raised by 130 yuan above the national standard. We will improve the management and operational mechanisms of education groups, strengthen school management and faculty development, significantly improve the quality of teaching and research, and strengthen mental health education. We will start the construction of the phase III project of Hainan University’s Mission Hills Campus and complete the construction of Hainan Normal University’s Guilinyang Campusin three years. We will promote the renaming of Hainan Medical College to Hainan Medical University and the establishment of Hainan Police Academy and Hainan Arts Vocational College. We will build a science and education demonstration zone in Yazhou Bay. We will deepen the integration of industry and education, increasing the number of vocational schools meeting applicable standards by 30 percent.

Build innovation and structural reform hubs for science and technology. Our efforts to overcome technological bottlenecks and make major breakthroughs will focus on key areas such as biological breeding, marine observation, satellite big data application, and healthy aging. We will actively seek the establishment of national-level scientific and innovation platforms in agriculture, aerospace, marine science and technology, materials, and health in Hainan. We will build one to two international science and technology cooperation bases such as the Belt and Road Joint Laboratory and strive to host support facilities for the International Ocean Discovery Program. We will cultivate or introduce two to five high-level research teams. We will support leading science and technology enterprises, industrial chain leading enterprises, and universities and institutes in forming innovation consortia, establish an enterprise-led technology innovation system, and encourage enterprises to significantly increase their R&D investment. We will explore the broad-based integration of intellectual property rights resources and create a comprehensive intellectual property rights service demonstration area in Haikou National High-tech Industrial Development Zone. We will further facilitate the transformation and application of patents. We will explore reforms in the intellectual property rights system for science and technology achievements and conduct a pilot reform for separate management of unit-based scientific and technological achievements. We will strongly support young science and technology talentto spearhead key research and development projects at the provincial level and above. We will strive to help establish 800 new technology SMEs, achieve a technology contract transaction volume of 5.5 billion yuan, and strive for an increase in Hainan’s R&D investment to about 1.4 percent of the provincial GDP.

Strengthen talent cultivation and introduction.We will take an integrated approach to conducting the plan of attracting talent from across the globe, the South China Sea Talent Development Plan, and the Skill-Building Action Plan (2023–2025), among others, to attract 170,000 capableindividualswith an additional 30,000 skilled workforce. We will implement comprehensive policies and measures to introduce, cultivate, and effectively utilize professionals, deepen the reform of international professionals service management, and accelerate the development of a group of internationally-minded professionals with a good understanding of international rules in business management, economic and trade service and foreign-related legal profession. We will strive to build a national-level platform to attract and gather professionals, and a city that supports youth development. Professionals will be sent for overseas training to enhance their international competence.

(4) Build a modern industrial system with higher standard

We will continuously strengthen leading enterprises, extend industrial chains, and build industrial clusters. Focusingon the sea, the sky, and digital technology as sources of competitiveness, we will strengthen our support for quality enhancement and the guiding role of standardization and cultivate more industries worth more than 10 billion yuan and parks worth more than 100 billion yuan.

Concentrate on advanced manufacturing. We will accelerate the construction of the Hunan-Hainan and the Guangdong-Hainan cooperation industrial parks, launch the offshore wind power hydrogen production and comprehensive hydrogen energy utilization demonstration projects, and promote integrated development of petrochemical new materials industries. We will strengthen industrial chains such as wind power equipment manufacturing, yacht equipment repair, clean energy vehicles, and semiconductors. Focusing on areas such as innovative medicines, medical devices, pediatric medicines, and traditional Hainan medicines, we will amplify the combined effects of policies and attract leading enterprises that Hainan needs. The “Lecheng research and application + Haikou production” model will add one to two innovative products. We will strive for an increase of 10 percent in the added value of industrial enterprises above the designated size.

Cultivate new productive forces. We will fully leverage Hainan’s advantages in climate, deep-sea resources, latitude, and ecology and focus on new arenas such as the seed industry, deep-sea technology, aerospace, green and low-carbon development, bio-manufacturing, and low-altitude economy. We will strengthen policy guidance and coordinate technological innovation and industrialization. Commercial space launches will be regularly carried out, and five to six rocket chain, satellite chain, and data chain projects will be launched.

Enhance the appeal of tourism. We will encourage positive interplay between culture and tourism and advance deeper integration of the twosectors. We will successfully hold the provincial tourism development conference, the sixth Hainan Island International Film Festival and the second China (Hainan) Dongpo Cultural Tourism Conference. We will promote the development of 5A scenic spots, start constructing the Sanya cruise homeport, upgrade from the supply side such product systems as marine tourism, space tourism, sports tourism, health tourism, study tourism, rural tourism, and RV camping, and plan super cultural and tourism projects featuring the coastal scenic highways and the Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park. We will further unleash the potential of the “tourism + performance” and “tourism + sports” markets and launch signature public cultural and sports activities such as “one hundred performances, one thousand sporting events.” We will make full use of the fifth and seventh-freedom air routes and visa-free entry for 59 countries to create an international aviation transfer hub, with the number of international routes reaching 62 and the number of inbound tourists exceeding one million. We will fully implement a tourism complaint advance compensation system to enhance visitor’s experience. We aim for a 10 percent increase in tourist arrivals and a 14 percent increase in tourism revenue.

Vigorously develop digital economy. We will speed up the development of new digital infrastructure such as the 5G, computing power, and international communication submarine cables. We will enrich application scenarios in areas such asChinas mobile gamedistribution in overseas markets, satellite data, and blockchain, explore tiered and classified cross-border data management models, and exercise in specific locations data processing businesses with both materialsmarket abroad. We will guide enterprises in digital and intelligent transformation and upgrading. We will facilitate the development of advantageous and distinctive industries such as digital health, digital creative design, and key core components. We will focus on new arenas such as Internet of Vehicle(IoV), satellite Internet, and general AI, and strive to increase the revenue of core industries in the digital economy by 8 percent.

Improve the modern financial system. The Hainan Rural Commercial Bank will open for business. One or two treasury centers of centrally-administered state-owned enterprise will be set up in Hainan. We will attract joint-stock banks, foreign banks, insurance companies, securities companies, and other licensed financial institutions, as well as long-term capital, to develop their businesses in Hainan. We willoptimize financial services for technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, elderly care finance, and digital finance.We will support the regulated development of local financial organizations such as those engaged in financial leasing. We will build the Hainan International Carbon Emissions Exchange that meets high standard and support various exchange venues in innovating service models and launching distinctive services. We will roll out a pilot program on real estate investment trusts.

Further develop the marine economy.We will implement a multi-dimensional, layered system of marine rights, encourage the integrated development of marine aquaculture, offshore wind farms, and recreational fisheries, and accelerate the construction of the “South China Sea Granary.” We will complete two modern fishing ports and build two marine ranches and two to three large-scale intelligent deep-sea aquaculture farms, and add 90 leisure fishing boats. We will advance the projects in marine oil and gas, oil service bases, deep-sea equipment, marine information, and marine biomedicine, among others. Lingshui 25-1 and Ledong 10-1 gas fields will start operation. The total value of marine production will surpass 310 billion yuan this year. We will complete building another “Maritime Hainan” in 10 years, accelerating Hainan’s progress towards a maritime powerhouse.

Strengthen industrial park platforms. We will deepen the reform of investment and financing systems and leverage the role of the FTP investment fund to enhance the self-financing capability of industrial parks. We will cooperate with enterpriseswith strong competitiveness and jointly lead the parks’ development and construction. We will support parks in attracting advantageous industrial projects through joint investment promotion and profit-sharing, focusing more on the economic efficiency of the parks. We will build high-quality regional cooperation industrial parks.

(5) Promote more coordinated regional development

Focusing on the layout of “three poles, one belt, and one area,”20we will stimulate the development vitality of cities and counties and encourage them to learn from and compete with each other in high-quality development.

Enhance the capacity of core areas. We will strengthen the construction of core FTP areas and a modern, international new Haikou. We will expedite the development of Jiangdong New Area to drive coordinated development in the Haikou-Chengmai-Wenchang-Ding’an Metropolitan Area, creating an international and modern urban area in the FTP. Powered by tourism and science innovation, the Greater Sanya Metropolitan Area will enhance its strategic position and core strength in the FTP. We will fully accelerate the construction of the FTP New City in Xinying Bay and unleash the synergistic effect of the Danzhou-Yangpu Metropolitan Area. We will enhance Haikou’s urban renewal efforts and meticulously improve the city’s functions and overall quality.

Advance new urbanization.We will optimize policies related to the urbanization of rural people who have moved to cities, promote new urbanization centered on county towns, and explore new paths in coastal and ecological urbanization. We will guide cities and counties to adopt city-specific policies and implement tailored real estate regulations, accelerating the establishment of a new model for real estate development. We will start the rebuilding of 268 old and dilapidated urban residential communities, complete the construction of 12,000 units of government-subsidized housingfor low-income groups, make 2,700 units of subsidized rental housing available, and distribute housing rental subsidies to 13,000 households.

Strengthen infrastructure support.We willaccelerate the preliminary work for projects such as the phase III of Meilan International Airport, Danzhou Airport, and the Haikou-Chengmai-Wenchang-Ding’an Metropolitan Area intercity rail transit, strive for site approval of the new Sanya Airport and Dongfang Airport, launch the Sanya-Ledong bus-style tourist train, and complete the extension of the G9812 expressway and the dedicated passage for the “second-line” port centralized inspection area of Xinhai Port, among others. We will launch the construction of an NEV rental system. We will start building the Yanglin pumped storage power station in Sanya, the Changhua River water resource allocation project, and a large-scale water supply project for the Haikou-Chengmai-Wenchang-Ding’an Metropolitan Area.

Improve the supply of production factors. We will advance intelligentgovernance of landplanning, unify the province’s territorial space basic information platform and the basic data foundation of “Real Scene 3D·Transparent Hainan” and be the first in the country to construct a governance-oriented detailed planning system that covers all areas, elements, and cycles. We will improve the system balancing the occupation and replenishment of arable land, continue to address the issues of usingarable land for purposes other than agriculture, promote on building centralized and large plots of farmland, and supply no less than 20,000 mu (about 1,333.3 hectares) of replenishment arable land.  

(6) Accelerate rural revitalizationon all fronts

Focusing on building a province with advanced agriculture, we will learn from the Green Rural Revival Program and build a “Hainan model” of “beautiful villages with harmony between humans and nature.”

Promote high-quality and efficient agriculture development.We will complete the construction of 200,000 mu (about 13,333.3 hectares) farmlandwith high-standard and designate two million mu (about 133,300 hectares) for standardized rubber plantations. We will strengthen the introduction, R&D innovation, development and utilization of excellent and exotic tropical fruits and vegetables and cultivate 17 key agricultural industry chains in a tiered scheme, forming a batch of exceptionally outstanding, unique, and small yet competitive specialty industries, with the growth in the added value of the primary industry exceeding five percent. We will scale up the Nanfan (southern seed breeding) industry, expanding seed source, the seed industry, and the seed market, and accelerate the cultivation of CRO21enterprises in the seed industry. We will recognize five provincial-level shared farms. We will vigorously develop rural cold chain logistics, e-commerce direct procurement, customized agriculture, and high added-value agriculture, strengthening the brandsystem with“Hainan Fresh Products”as its lead.We will ensure acomplete successof the 27th China (Hainan) International Tropical Agricultural Products Winter Trade Fair.

Increase rural income. We will deepen the “three reforms of rural land”22 and the institutionalreform of the collective forest rights. We will create one hundred villages with a strong performance in their collective economy that has an annual income of over 500 thousand yuan. We will promote the use of good breeds, methods, farmlands, and machinery, better explore and develop local resources to cultivate competitive local specialtiesand create industrial clusters, and vigorously develop the non-timber forest-based economy to increase farmers’ net operating income. We will cultivate 800 leaders in rural labor services, exemplary wealth creators, and highly skilled craftsmen and increase the influence of distinctive labor service brands. We will enhance the effectiveness of assistance for the impoverished population and resolutely prevent large-scale relapse into poverty.

Improve rural development and governance. We will make practical village planning as comprehensive as possible. We will renovate rural roads and bridges prone to flooding, meticulously upgrade traffic safety facilities, and create one or two demonstration counties in the construction, management, maintenance, and operation of rural roads. The rural large-scale water supply will cover ten thousand people, the rural domestic sewage treatment rate will exceed 80 percent, and 70 percent of villages (neighborhood committee) will set up classified waste collection rooms (booths). We will energetically improve the rural living environment, improving 2,000 “clean villages” and building 200“beautiful villages with harmony between humans and nature.” We will deepen the pilot reform of farmland reclamation, create a new model for the integration of reclaimed farmland with capital, and improve the livelihood of people living on reclaimed farmland. We will adopt and promote the score-based and list-based rural governance systems throughout the province.

(7) Devote more efforts to improving people’s livelihood

We will do our best within our means to meet people’s basic livelihood needs, especially those in difficulty, with an inclusive approach, solidly implement the ten livelihood projects selected by the Provincial People’s Congress through voting, and enhance peoples sense of gaining in the construction of the FTP.

Ensure stable employment and prices through multiple measures.We will improve supportive policiesfor key groupsto seek employment and start businesses, adding 16,000 new urban jobs and 1.45 million migrant workers. College graduates who either find jobs or continue their studies will account for no less than 83 percent of the total, and at least 62 percent of total college graduates will stay in Hainan. The employment rate of veterans will be no lower than 90 percent. We will optimize public employment services, completing vocational skills training for 100,000 people. We will ensure that city and county mayors take full responsibility for the “vegetable basket”, stabilize the prices of important daily necessities, and keep the average price of basic vegetables from rebounding.

Make all-around efforts to safeguard public health.We will complete the construction of the south campus of Hainan General Hospital and the Jiangdong New District campus of the First Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical University. The construction of urban medical groups, national-level regional medical centers and provincial-level clinical medical centers will be accelerated. We will promote the construction of county-level medical communities, expand high-quality medical resources and make them easier to access wherever you live, and increase the standardization rate of village clinics to over 95 percent. We will launch phase II of the “three medical reforms and one network”23initiative and the building of a demonstration province fortheapplication of digital health innovation. The screening for “2+3” diseases24will cover all target groups, and newborns will be screened for multiple genetic metabolic diseases. We will provide free hepatitis B vaccines for the 20-40 age group, apply therapeutic digital interventions to the elderly with cognitive disorders and children with autism, popularize first-aid knowledge, and strive to raise the average life expectancy in the province to over 80 years. We will carry out actions to advance the patriotic health campaign, building more than 20% of Hainan’s towns into national health towns.

Promote cultural and sports programs.We extensively apply core socialist values, promote the development of cultural undertakings such as philosophy and social sciences, broadcasting and television, and journalism and publishing, and tell the story of the Hainan FTP well. We will strengthen cultural heritage protection, museum development, and intangible cultural heritage protection and inheritance, promoting characteristic cultural labels such as QiongyaRevolutionary Base, Li and Miao ethnic groups, maritime culture, overseas Hainanese, Su Dongpo, Qiu Jun25, Hai Rui26, and South China Sea shipwreck archaeology. We will make the 12th National Traditional Games of Ethnic Minorities a great success and promote exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups.

Weave a strong social security net.We will continue to increase the basic pension for urban and rural residents, the subsistence allowances, and the basic living standards for people in extreme poverty. We will implement free disability assessments and provide rehabilitation training and living allowances for disabled children in families with financial stress. We will provide treatment assistance funds for women diagnosed with cervical cancer, breast cancer, or precancerous lesions.

We will build 200 outdoor worker service stations.We will conduct a pilot program for the construction of community-embedded service facilities. We will improve elderly-related work, focusing on addressing the needs of the elderly for home care, medical care, and nursing. We will provide multi-level and diversified elderly care services and develop the silver economy. We will promote the establishment of an insurance system for long-term care. The charity sector will be vigorously developed. We will adopt proactive fertility support measures and add 6,250 nursery slots.

(8) Promote ecological conservation to a higher standard

We will explore effective mechanisms that integrate ecological protection, value enhancement, and value realization, build a beautiful Hainan, strive to become a pioneer zone for the Beautiful China Initiative, and create a hub for green and low-carbon development.

Address salient environmental issues. We will resolve issues raised in the third round of central environmental inspections, guarding against false and superficial rectification. We will carry out central government-funded marine ecological protection and restoration projects, promoting the ecological protection and restoration of mangroves, coral reefs, and seagrass beds. We will explorethe new ecological restoration pattern that coordinatesthe ecosystems of land, sea, mountains and coastal areas. We will launch 37 sub-projects of the Shan-Shui Initiative in tropical areas in south Hainan and intensify efforts to fight against air, water, and soil pollution, ensuring that the quality of Hainan’s ecological environment only improves.

Launch landmark projects. Phase I of the artificial forest disposal in the Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park will start. We will encourage the purchase of over 10,000 new energy vehicles and accelerate the construction of the Global NEVExperience Center. We will consolidate and expand the achievements of the ban on plastics, and ensure that the area of prefabricated buildings accounts for 75 percent or more of the area of all new constructions. We will pay special attention to drinking water quality, urban sewage and black and malodorous water bodies in the “six water treatment campaign”, and eliminate Class V or worse water bodies.

Advance efforts to meet the dual carbon goals.We will boost the development of the Hainan International Blue Carbon Research Center, deepen applied research on coastal blue carbon and fishery carbon sinks, and expand international exchange and cooperation. We will explore the establishment of carbon footprint accounting and certification standards for the products of key industries in Hainan and trial carbon labeling. We will expand the application scenarios of “Tanpuhui”,a Chinese carbon reduction mechanism. We will promote the development of low-carbon parks, communities, and demonstration projects. We will advance ecological compensation in the Chitian and Songtao reservoir basins, exploring diversified ecological compensation methods.

(9) Ensure both development and security with stronger measures

We will steadfastly guard against worst-case scenarios, move our line of defense forward, focus on key areas, and optimize mechanisms to firmly build an iron wall against risks and ensure security and stability.

Prioritize security guarantees.Upholding a holistic approach to national security, we will give top priority to political security and fully carry out the three-year task list for major risks prevention and control. We will formulate and promulgate anti-smuggling regulations in the Hainan FTP, improve the risk prevention and control system for “zero tariff” imported goods, run comprehensive anti-smuggling law enforcement stations in the most practical and effective manner, carry out joint punishment for entities that commit acts of bad faith in offshore duty-free sales, and prevent large-scale and group smuggling. We will implement the protection of critical information infrastructure and the tiered protection system of network security. We will coordinate efforts to resolve risks in real estate, local government debt, and small and medium-sized financial institutions.

Resolutely ensure workplace safety.Focusing on the goal of “reducing accident numbers and fatalities and preventing accidents aboverelatively serious level (accidents causing over three deaths or ten injuries)”, we will launch a three-year campaign to address the root causes of workplace safety issues, strengthen safety supervision in key industries and areas such as the Qiongzhou Strait, hazardous chemicals, and road traffic, and enforce targeted laws rigorously. We will advance special action in gas safety, upgrading and renovating 700 kilometers of aging urban gas pipelines. We will promote the rectification and improvement of the chemical industry clusters in Yangpu and the Dongfang Lingang Industrial Park. We will improve road traffic safety management and reduce the death rate per 10,000 vehicles in road traffic accidents. We will strengthen monitoring, early warning, consultation and decision-making, and disaster warning to effectively respond to natural disasters such as typhoons and heavy rainfalls. We will promote the construction of regional supplies reserve centers, exchange centers for earthquake reduction and disaster prevention technology, and major disaster prevention projects in Hainan.

Strive to make Hainan one of the safest areas in China.We will further advance the development of the “four-in-one integrated mechanism”27, strengthen the governance of the sources of complaints, and push forward the legalization of petition work. We will advance and normalize the fight against organized crime and criminal gangs, push our performance in anti-gambling and anti-fraud work to above the national average level, and consolidate and expand the positive trend in anti-drug work. We will deepen the campaign to protect minors, aiming for decreases in juvenile crimes and crimes against minors. We will crack down on bid rigging and illegal activities in the tourism market. We will implement the “two kinds of responsibilities”28 for food safety and strengthen the supervision of food and drug safety.

Fellow Deputies,

Hainan bears the responsibility of guarding the southern gate of our motherland, boasting a high proportion of stationed troops and strong civilian support for the military. We will resolutely implement Xi Jinping Thought on Strengthening the Military, give full support to national defense and military modernization, improve the service system and welfare guarantee mechanism for veterans, ensure preferential treatment for soldiers and their families, veterans, and other entitled groups, establish a provincial veteran hospital, carry out the building of national model cities for mutual support between the military and the civilians, strengthen national defense education for the entire population, enhance national defense mobilization capabilities, deepen the civil-military integrated development, and consolidate the military-civilian bond.

III. Vigorously Enhance Government Efficiency

Facing new situations and tasks, the provincial government will thoroughly study and act in line with General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches on improving officials’ conduct and capabilities. We will earnestly implement the provincial Party committee’s further requirements in this regard to continuously enhance the “three capabilities”29, diligently follow the “nine conduct requirements”30, solidly carrying out the “five major actions”31, and establish and improve the “seven mechanisms”32. We will raise our political awareness, plan decisively and act quickly, continuously optimize the government mechanisms that get things done, create an environment where it’s easy for the public to get things done well in their interaction with the government, and form an ecosystem conducive to getting things done well. We will strive to be creative implementers who achieve their goals by enhancing their administrative efficiency and capabilities to overcomedifficulties.

Emphasize the prompt implementation of the decisions and plans of the CPC. Consolidating and expanding the achievements of thematic education, we will steadfastly and loyally upholdthe“two establishes” of establishing Comrade Xi Jinpings core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and establishingthe guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and the “two upholds” of upholding General Secretary Xi Jinpings core position on the CPC Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and upholding the Central Committees authority and its centralized, unified leadership. We will see the implementation of these commitments in all respects and whole process of the work of the government. We will tirelessly improve our capacity for political judgment, thinking, and implementation, always bear in mind the country’s most fundamental interests, and firmly address the practice of “formalities for formalities’ sake” andbureaucratism. We will adhere to the requirements of “following the general trend, clarifying strategies, improving methods, and acting for solid results” and fulfill our duties with the motto “never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” We will respond to directives from higher authorities promptly, daring to try and venture into “deep waters” and “uncharted territories.” We will faithfully and thoroughly implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on Hainan, the central Party leadership’s decisions and plans, and the Provincial Party Committee’s requirements.

Take the initiative to step up and get things done.We will refine the communication, coordination, and cooperation mechanisms for government departments and reduce written communication in favor of talking face-to-face. We will promote coordination and streamline government procedures by reducing their hierarchical levels to improve government efficiency. Particularly for key tasks and major projects related to overall development, we will plan ahead, and all departments involved will make progress in tandem, never waiting for work to come to us. Government officials at all levels should get hands-on with their duties rather than sit on their hands. They must abandon complacency and embrace change, be bold in taking initiative and breaking new ground, and be willing to go the extra mile. We should be adept at succeeding and helping others succeed, reaching our fullpotential while assisting others.

Emphasize the rule of law and regulate the exercise of judicial power.We will comprehensively implement Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, significantly enhance the legal awareness and legal literacy of civil servants and increase the government system’s capacity for law-based administration. We will optimize the legal consultant system of the government and its departments. We will introduce methods and indicators for assessing government integrity. We will actively cooperate with the courts and procuratorates to carry out the special action of ensuring the implementation of public policies and fulfillment of government commitments, ensuring that new officials do not disavow obligations undertaken by their predecessors.  We will improve administrative agencies’ response to litigation, ensuring that leaders of administrative agencies not only appear in court but also participate meaningfully in the trial. We will accept the supervision of the Hainan Provincial People’s Congress in accordance with the law, willingly embrace democratic supervision from the CPPCC Hainan Provincial Committee, and earnestly address suggestions from deputies to the Provincial People’s Congress and proposals from the Provincial CPPCC Committee members. We will actively accept public oversight and oversight through public opinion and ensure effective auditing, accounting, and statistical oversight. We will continue to deepen the reform of the comprehensive administrative law enforcement system and strengthen law enforcement in key areas that directly affect the interests of the public, ensuring that administrative law enforcement is both effective and considerate. We will fully complete the task of local institutional reform.

Highlight digital intelligence empowerment in driving the construction of a digital government.We will conduct in-depth actions in five key areas to strengthen the foundation and enhance the efficiency of government digital transformation. We will focus on detail-oriented initiatives with significant impacts, upgrading the functionalities of digital government platforms such as “Haiyiban” and “Haizhengtong” and enhancing the capabilities of our digital platforms for online document processing, meetings, services, communication, and supervision. We will comprehensively deepen the innovative application of data sharing, and form more than five application scenarios with special FTP features and certain influence, ensuring the end results are practical, popular among primary-level officials, and useful to the public.

Motivate the sense of responsibility and entrepreneurship through strict governance and profound care. We will thoroughly implement full and strict self-governance of the Party and focus on the key points in the building of a corruption-free FTP. We will steadfastly implement the guiding principles of the central Party leadership’s eight-point decision on improving Party and government conduct and the detailed rules for its implementation, unceasingly rectify favoring form over substance, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance, and deepen the fight against corruption in areas with concentrated power, funds, and resources. We will accelerate the adoption of machine-based planning in a wide array of matters. We will resolutely punish corruption at the primary level33, encouraging a governance culture impervious to corruption. We will carry out the “four tasks at the primary level” and establish long-term mechanisms to reduce the burden on those working at the primary level, enabling them to free themselves from excessive paperwork and meetings and focus more on practical work. We will improve the fault-tolerant and error-correcting mechanism, supporting those who dare to take responsibility or make unintentional mistakes while promoting development. We will adhere to frugality while firmly guaranteeing payment of salaries, normal operation of primary-level government, and the people’s basic well-being. We will optimize the performance assessment of the government’s management of its objectives. Our guiding principle moving forward will be providing support in proportion to the scale of the project and the amount of efforts put into it. Financial support and resources will follow undertakings and projects. We will emphasize seeing things from others’ perspectives, making value judgments based on whether something “should be done” rather than just the technical assessment of whether it “can be done.” We will tackle the urgent concerns of businesses and the general public and address bottlenecks and obstacles in advancing our work, particularly focusing on matters that should and could have been done well. By taking problems head-on and solving them, this action-oriented government will stimulate market vitality and reinvigorate the boundless creativity of the people of Hainan.

Fellow Deputies,

Practical efforts bring ambitious dreams into fruition, and hard work paves the way for a promising future. Let us rally even closer around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, follow the leadership of the CPC Hainan Provincial Committee, press ahead with greater confidence and unwavering perseverance, strive for practical results, accelerate the building of a free trade port with Chinese characteristics and global influence, and redouble our efforts to write a new Hainan chapter of Chinese modernization.

1The two regulations: The Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Certification and Accreditation and the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of the Registration of Market Entities. The related adjustments are authorized by “State Council’s Approval on Temporarily Adjusting the Implementation of Certain Administrative Regulations in the Hainan Free Trade Port” (Letter No. 122 [2023] of the General Office of the State Council).

2The three “zero-tariff” lists: The zero-tariff positive list for raw and auxiliary materials, the zero-tariff positive list for transportation vehicles and yachts, and the zero-tariff negative list for self-use production equipment.

3Two headquarters bases: The headquarters base for Chinese enterprises entering international markets and the headquarters base for foreign enterprises entering the Chinese market.

4The Hunan-Hainan and the Guangdong-Hainan cooperation industrial parks: Hainan (Dongfang) Free Trade Port Advanced Manufacturing Industrial Park and Guangdong Hainan Advanced Manufacturing Cooperation Industrial Park.

5Four regional medical centers at the national level: The Sanya branch of the Peking University Stomatology Hospital, the Hainan Hospital of Shanghai Children’s Medical Center affiliated with the Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, the Hainan Hospital of Ruijin Hospital affiliated with the Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, and the Hainan branch of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese medicine.

6Dongpo: Dongpo is the art name of Su Shi (1037 – 1101). Su was a Chinese poet, essayist, stateman, calligrapher, painter, gastronome, and travel writer who lived during the Song Dynasty.

7The dual carbon goals: Carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

8Shan-Shui Initiative: An integrated conservation and restoration project for mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, grasslands, and deserts promoted and implemented by the Chinese government.

9Six water treatment campaign: The campaigns targeting sewage treatment, water supply, water drainage, flood prevention, water conservation, and seawater improvement.

10Illegal vessels: Vessels without registered names and hull identification numbers, certificates, and ports of registry.

11One industrial and one rural special actions: A special action promoting large-scale research and service for high-quality development of enterprises above the designated size, and a special action pushing for new results in rural revitalization.

12“One Guideline, Three Foundations, Four Beams, and Eight Pillars”: “One Guideline” refers to General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and instructions on the work of Hainan; “Three Foundations” are the institutional cornerstones of the Guiding Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Supporting Hainan in Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Opening-Up, the Master Plan for the Development of Hainan Free Trade Port and the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Hainan Free Trade Port; “Four Beams” refer to Hainan’s positioning as a pilot zone for deepening comprehensive reform and opening-up, a national pilot zone for ecological conservation, an international tourism and consumption center, and a service and supporting zone for major national strategies; and “Eight Pillars” are the solid support of the policy environment, legal environment, business environment, ecological environment, economic development system, social governance system, risk prevention and control system and organizational and leadership system.

13Five lists: The lists for project identification and attraction, project reserve, commencement of construction, construction progress monitoring, and completion of construction.

14Four batches: Planning a batch, starting the construction of a batch, constructing a batch, and completing a batch of projects.

15Two networks: An international air-sea transport network, and an international economic and trade cooperation network.

16Two hubs: A shipping hub for the new international land-sea corridor, and an aviation regional hub serving the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

17Closed-loop operation system with seven key factors: The seven key factors are goals, platforms, projects, policies, reforms, mechanisms, and oversight and assessment.

18PPP: Acronym for public-private partnership, which encourages private enterprises and private capital to cooperate with the government by participating in public infrastructure development.

19The integration of the approval, supervision, law enforcement, and credit systems: Relying on the “Internet + supervision” system, we broke down data barriers between the approval, supervision, law enforcement, and credit systems and developed and launched this unified platform, the first application of data sharing in all four scenarios in the country.

20Three poles, one belt, and one area: The “three poles” refers to the Haikou-Chengmai-Wenchang-Ding’an Metropolitan Area, the Greater Sanya Metropolitan Area, and the Danzhou-Yangpu Area. “One belt” refers to the coastal city belt. “One area” refers to the ecological conservation area in the central mountains.

21CRO: A scientific institution, either academic or commercial, that provides specialized services to various research and development enterprises through contractual arrangements.

22Three reforms of rural land: The reform of the rural land acquisition system, market transaction system of rural collective land for commercial construction and rural homestead system.

23Three medical reforms and one network: Healthcare, health insurance, and medicine reforms have been promoted and and data sharing and business alignment on these three aspects have been strengthened across our province.

24“2+3” diseases: Hypertension, diabetes and tuberculosis, hepatitis, and severe mental disorders.

25Qiu Jun: Qiu Jun (1421-1495) was a politician, writer and economist during the Ming Dynasty.

26Hai Rui: Hai Rui (1514-1587) was an upright and uncorrupted official during Ming Dynasty, remembered as a model of integrity.

27Four-in-one integrated mechanism: An integrated system joining the social management information platform, comprehensive management center, grid-based service management, and multiple channels for dispute resolution.

28Two kinds of responsibilities: The local government’s regulatory responsibilities and enterprises’ primary responsibilities.

29Three capabilities: Political capability, thinking capability, and practice capability.

30Nine conduct requirements: The requirements of being loyal and responsible, caring keenly about the public’s wellbeing, daring to explore and act, being realistic and pragmatic, wasting no time in doing one’s job, being rigorous and meticulous, being diligent and committed to one’s job, being frugal, and being upright and incorruptible.

31Five major actions: The actions to make breakthroughs in special customs operations, hold competitions in reform and innovation, hold competitions in investment attraction, optimize the business environment, and serve the public.

32Seven mechanisms: The training and cultivation mechanism, study and emulation mechanism, burden reduction and efficiency increase mechanism, closed-loop work mechanism, supervision, examination, and guidance integrated mechanism, encouragement and motivation mechanism, and tolerance and rectification combined mechanism.

33Four tasks at the primary level: The four tasks are promoting the Party’s principles and policies at the primary level, conducting surveys and research at the primary level, handling petitions at the primary level, and working on-site at the primary level.

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